Deep Dive: The Mega deals

Christopher Engman
Mission, Expertise & Accomplishments: Help companies, their great innovations and most important people (Rainmakers) go to market and scale faster with less resources than traditionally tactics. Today Christopher supports and builds sustainability companies (mainly scale ups) with great innovations. His more than 20 years of experience of supporting Fortune 500 companies and several hundred scale ups in orchestrating their deal management in combination with extended research support his mission well. Books: Forecasting government budgets and Megadeals (2020) Investor in 15 companies, lead investor in 8 of them (scale-ups in cleantech and SaaS) Founder of Mine storage, Retain24, Taxisystem, Vendemore, and Megadeals Prosales Chief Commercial Officer of the year 2018 Climeon order intake 3-90 MUSD in two years

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